Evaluation Guide

Platform components

Our platform is built with core enterprise applications in mind. It offers an integrated environment for full-stack model-driven development, deployment, and management of enterprise applications.

  • Genus Studio is the multi-user Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to design, build, and deploy no-code applications. The IDE is built around the concepts of model-driven and visual development, where Business Engineers can work together on building advanced enterprise applications. Genus Studio is a Windows 11 client that runs locally on each Business Engineer’s computer.

    Genus Studio provides the tools you need for full-stack application development. This includes User Interface Design, Business- and Application Logic, Data Model, Integrations, and Security. Additionally, it provides the tools you need to administer and operate your applications.

    Genus Studio has impact control of all changes made to the application model to ensure error-free applications. This means that you will receive a warning if you try to delete an application construct that is being used in other parts of the application model. You can also reference-check any part of the application model to see where it is used elsewhere.

  • Genus Services is the metadata interpreting runtime environment providing application services to Genus Studio, Genus Desktop, Genus Web, and external service consumers. This component also manages the database connectivity to the Metadata Repository and other data sources for your applications.

    End users will not have any direct relations to Genus Services, except as exposed web addresses in their web browsers or API endpoints.

    For more information on Genus Services, see Runtime Architecture.

  • Genus Desktop is a native Windows 11 end-user client for presenting applications. Genus Desktop provides a familiar user interface wrapping for your no-code applications, making them appear as a natural part of a typical business productivity suite.

  • Genus Web is a client for web browser applications and Progressive Web Apps (PWA). As with Genus Desktop, Genus Web is based on well-known design frameworks, providing an intuitive wrapping for your enterprise applications. However, Genus Web also provides more possibilities for theming and customization of the appearance of applications. This extends the possibilities of what types of applications can be expressed through the platform.

  • Metadata Repository

    • The Metadata Repository is the database storing the metadata information for your applications (the application model). Any supported RDBMS can be used to hold the Metadata Repository.

    Data- and file storage (customer data)

    • Genus applications can read and write data to any supported RDBMS database. Furthermore, the Data Storage can consist of one or more databases, and Genus can also connect to read-only databases or schemas. For File Storage, Genus can utilize streaming of data to or from Binary Large Object (BLOB) services.