Evaluation Guide


The Genus platform is built to be powerful and includes the functionality you need to express almost any enterprise application through visual development. However, to meet the non-functional requirements of your business applications, monitoring and evaluation are important.

  • All microservices are instrumented with metrics-endpoints, providing performance metrics in a standard Prometheus-format. These metrics are open to being consumed and presented through industry-standard DevOps monitoring tools such as Grafana, New Relic, Azure Monitor, or Amazon Cloudwatch.

    A set of predefined alerts are also included, together with Prometheus and Alertmanager. These can be configured to send alerts to various receivers, such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, Pagerduty, or by e-mail, if something happens that requires immediate attention.

    As Genus is usually deployed as part of the core IT infrastructure, we believe in an open approach. Thus, you can easily integrate the monitoring of your Genus applications within your monitoring tool of choice.

  • All microservices write technical logs to the output of the container. These outputted logs can be processed by any tool that reads container logs. However, Filebeat is provided out of the box for this purpose in Genus. The Windows event log is shipped by either Winlogbeat or Fluentd, which can be configured to ship the logs to most log analytics solutions, such as Elasticsearch. Finally, to investigate situations in retrospect, you can access the logs and files through Kibana or your log monitoring tool of choice.

  • Genus provides a collection of predefined dashboards and searches for Grafana and Kibana to help you get started with your performance- and event monitoring. These dashboards and searches can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

  • Genus Trace Log is our built-in tool for Business Engineers, assisting them with real-time monitoring of important application events. The web-based tool monitors both client- and server-side events to provide comprehensive information about communication and requests, errors and faults, runtime changes and states, and actual data queries to the database. The tool is used both for debugging and performance optimization during application development.

    Genus Trace Log monitors both server-side microservices and client-side communication and events for both Genus Web and Genus Desktop. To get access to monitor events, a user must have the privilege Monitor Trace Log.

    Genus Trace Log can also be used to support end-users. If an end-user experiences a problem, time-limited access can be given to support personnel to debug the situation. In this case, the end-user does not need the Monitor Trace Log privilege.